Madame Tussauds Hong Kong

(Hong Kong, 10/05/2009)
Madame Tussauds Hong Kong is located at the Peak. To reach it, we could catch a bus (public buses) or take the Peak Tram. The Peak Tram surely is more convenient as it's consume less time to reach the peak. One thing that I found really annoying to get on the Peak Tram on a holiday is it's really crowded that made me queue like forever. Queue is not a problem for me. The problem is, again, I have to queue with dozens of mainlanders. It was annoying. They are impatient, ignorance, and some were cutting the line. I hate to get squeezed, urged, and pushed. I need a space! (Hell, yea.. 20 inches perimeter puhleeazeee) >.<

In the old days, only the British were allowed to come, visit, and stayed at the Peak. It's a "cooling down" place for the British colonial, as The Peak is the highest point in Hong Kong island. Some locals were allowed to climb up the hill only if they were working for the British (usually they were the carrier who brought things for the British), and like i typed, climb; as walking up, not by the train/tram as the British did.

My fretfulness gone in all of sudden when Ntine and me entered the Museum. It's small, bit pricey, but fun! Nice place for taking pictures. Wacky and goofy poses are welcomed here.

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After taking the picture, we enjoyed the night view of Victoria Harbor. We were lucky. The weather was good, it's not foggy at all, so we could get a good view upon Hong Kong.

photo courtesy: ntine, chisa
edited by me
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