Scared and Excited at the Same Time

So, after a hectic day yesterday, I was involved in another hectic day today.

Yesterday was hectic because I went to Qi Bu Lu (w/ Lydia, Sophie, Merly, n Fang"). It's probably the most crowded fake market in Shanghai. It was tiring. but I'm quite happy as I brought something there.

Today.. I felt so sleepy in the class. It's like the class was last for forever and the clock was ticking very slow. Good things I didn't fall asleep in the class.

After school, I went to the BWW Office (the place I went for internship). Apparently Joseph (my boss) forgot that he told me to be there at Thursday (today). Then he told me to meet him at a mall near ZhongSan Park MRT station. We met there and he briefed me on what will I do later on in the company while he has his brunch and a latte (and I got a tall ice choco w/ whip cream). So, the BWW is a very complex company; and my boss give me a homework of making a mind mapping about the company (what it does). Tough one.
After the briefing, we went to the office (by car). In the way back, he told me to make a budgeting proposal on the office stationery and supplies. From 2m wide 4-wheeled whiteboard (both side), flip charts, markers (big one), board eraser, pens, pencils, eraser, clips, straplers, pins, notice board, trash bin, trash bag, to fax-printer-scanner machine, a sticky note, power extention (cord), office telephone, internet modem, etc. Then also told me to remind him about BWW & CRS brochure, and also to get a translator. I think it sort of a test he gave to me. The best thing is since I'm new here and I don't speak Chinese very good, he send her assistant to assist me. She's very nice. Her name is Bao Hong which means "red bag", litterally. Today we went to Tesco. Tomorrow she gonna take me to a store that only sells office supplies, and it closed on 5pm.

Monday I will start the real internship. Lots of training will be conducted. I will do my best to achieve the best thing I could reach. Other homework Joseph gave to me is shopping. He told me to get a work bag and a notebook (the one you write w/ pen, not a laptop, dude!). When he said that, it also means I need to work on my style. I realized that my lousy outfit won't suite the office even before he told me. Yeah! I definitely need a good outfits... shirts, blazer, skirt, trousers, shoes, bags. Let's shop!
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