Things Are Getting Better

Last Night

As I called my fellow Indonesian friends, and found out that they already have dinner, I planned to take a long steamy hot shower and eat my dinner later on. After I washed some clothes (undies and socks) and took the long steamy hot shower, i felt kinda lazy to go out. So, the plan of "going out" and "take-away dish" was aborted... :D and i just ate a cup of instant noodle (90g) and a orion choco-marshmallow pie.. :D

As time goes by, I get closer with my roommate. She's a kind girl. I think I'm pretty lucky to have her as a roommate. I gotta knw that she is allergic to pets (dogs, cat). She has a sis (18), and her sis often calls her just asking when she'll b back to korea. Also, her bf calls everyday! or.. everynight? XD yea.. anything.. her mom too.. I think she's showered w/ love n attention.. that's great, but also not that good in the other hand, coz she'd feel kinda homesick.... >.<>

Vera Caroline
wrote at 4:26pm - yesterday kbre? kangen aq!!!'s everything

wrote at 2:03pm - today

hey... aq makan ndirian td.. XDD
diajakin mkn d resto korea, tp aq ms kelas...
yasu.. aq blg cr makan dewe.. abis itu ad temen ank2 indo jg ngajakin makan d resto korea yg sama... yah.. males lha aq ksana.. XD
aq slm d shanghai ini dah 2x makan dsn.. y ms banyak t4 yg blm kujamah.. jd i decide to go by myself.. abis klo gantungin ma org laen trz kpn aq
makan yg aq pengen? XDDD
it's very cold here... nasty...angin'e jahat... T.T
kmu pa kabar??topi ijo x seems cute... :D
kpn k SH? let's go shopping!!!!!

again... it's in indonesian... hahaha... yea... i'm too lazy too translate it.. lol

And after that....I planned to have dinner w/ my roommate, but it failed bcoz i have to go for visiting the fa su class (chinese paintings and caligraphy).. I gotta tell my roommate soon, or else.. it's gonna be bad... lol

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